Other Sample Partners/Organizations
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
SECI has partnered with like-minded organizations or other agencies/firms to provide strategic counseling and/or contribute strategic planning or develop cross-sectoral collaborations on issues related to equal access to innovation (e.g., products and/or services) in fields such immunization, disease prevention and wellness, tuberculosis, infectious diseases, and immigrant health inequities. Other recent topics includes cultural competence/humility, oral health, integrating community engagement strategies in clinical settings, and organizational growth and change.
Sample partners include Grameen Primacare, GCI-Health, and The Economist Intelligence Unit. In collaboration with the Region 2 Public Health Training Center (PHTC), SECI's Principal and Associates also developed several online training modules for public health professionals and their partners on topics ranging from community engagement to confronting barriers to vaccine acceptance. |